Did you know that The Appellate Division Court of NYS has just ruled that a Landlord can evict any or all of their Rent Stabilized tenants by claiming that they want to demolish their building?
Blame Gary.
Their only requirement is to show that they have enough money to complete the demolition!
• This puts more than 2.5 million rent stabilized tenants at risk of unfair eviction.
• If you get evicted, your next apartment will likely be twice as expensive, twice as small, and destabilized.
• This means you can be thrown out at the end of your lease when you can’t pay the increase.
Can you guess which developers have already exercised this power over a tenant and will undoubtedly do it again?
Blame Gary and Extell.

Tired of the luxury apartments when so many New Yorkers are homeless?
Blame Gary.
As New York City residents struggle to make rent and find affordable housing, Gary Barnett and Extell are the most active builders in Manhattan, with at least 11 active projects totaling 5.7 million square feet.
Tired of class-based, racial and income-based discrimination in the fight for sustainable housing?
Blame Gary.
Gary & Extell came under fire in the New York media for building separate entrances for rich tenants
and poor tenants in one or more of his Manhattan high-rise buildings.
Too many of his buildings have faced controversy and push back from residents, state officials, and nonprofits
regarding their obvious lack of respect for the city, and the people they build on top of.