Where we’re at
There have been attempts to aid the more than 2.5 million Rent Stabilized Tenants at risk of unfair eviction and gives landlords near boundless power over their tenants. The Bill remains In Committee.
Senate Bill S2015A was sponsored by Liz Krueger (28TH SENATE DISTRICT) in the 2023-2024 Legislative Session. The Bill relates to requirements for a building owner to refuse to renew a lease under the real estate industry stabilization code. The purpose of the bill amendment is to restore the power of the State Division of Housing and Community Renewal to ensure that building owners applying for permission to refuse to renew rent stabilized tenants' leases in order to demolish buildings and construct new ones are acting in good faith, have received all required building permits, and have the funds needed to complete demolition and construction.
The Bill remains In Committee.
Assembly Bill A6276 was sponsored by Linda B. Rosenthal (67TH DISTRICT) and co-sponsored by Harvey Epstein, Rodneyse Bichotte Hermelyn and Chris Burdick in the 2023-2024 Legislative Session. The Bill relates to requirements for a building owner to refuse to renew a lease under the real estate industry stabilization code. The purpose of the bill amendment is to restore the power of the State Division of Housing and Community Renewal to ensure that building owners applying for permission to refuse to renew rent stabilized tenants' leases in order to demolish buildings and construct new ones are acting in good faith, have received all required building permits, and have the funds needed to complete demolition and construction.